Dark n Stormy
Home Cocktails Rum Cocktails Dark n Stormy
One of the most famous and easiest cocktails to make: the Dark n Stormy. Just mix rum and ginger beer and enjoy it incredibly delicious. Learn the recipe now and enjoy the drink at home.
Taste of the Dark n Stormy Cocktail
27 Reviews
The Dark n Stormy has a pleasant fresh and tart taste accompanied by alcoholic notes. If you are looking for a cloying party cocktail, you are in the wrong place. This drink focuses on the interplay of ginger beer and rum. And this is also reflected in an alcoholic, tart taste.
How the cocktail was created: Dark n Stormy
The drink is originated in the waters of the Caribbean. In 1806, an early member of the Gosling family sailed from England for America. Instead of heading to America, the ship instead headed for the nearest port in Bermuda. There, the recipe for Gosling’s aged black rum was developed. On another part of the island, British naval officers brewed ginger beer after World War I to combat seasickness. They swirled the two together in a cup, one sailor reportedly commenting that it looked “like the colour of a cloud under which only a fool or a dead man would sail”. Thus the name “Dark n Stormy” was born.
Goslings still plays a big part in the lore, largely thanks to a number of trademarks it has for the cocktail. Technically, this drink can only be made with Goslings Black Seal Rum and Goslings Stormy Ginger Beer. Lime juice should definitely be avoided, but a slice of lime when serving is appreciated.
3 different cocktail variations
Peppermint Mule
Take inspiration from the Mojito and mix a Dark n Stormy with 50 ml dark rum, 25 ml lime juice, bitters and ginger beer served on crushed ice, garnished with a sprig of mint. This fresh flavour is just the thing for summer.
Orange Mule
Bring a hint of citrus to this tart drink by making it with two dashes of orange bitters. Angostura orange bitters give the drink more tangy, slightly sweet notes. Then prepare the drink as usual and garnish with a lime wedge.
Mexican Stormy
Tequila plus ginger and lime. That’s all it takes to prepare the Mexican version of the cocktail. Just prepare the drink as usual, but instead of rum, use a nice, slightly matured Reposado tequila. It will add a whole new level of interest to the drink. Finish with a squeeze of lime juice and the Mexican Stormy is ready.
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